The online revolution in market research

The Web is making enormous changes in how market research is done. I just wrote about it on my other weblog, Stop Flying Blind, and thought some of you might be interest...

Carnival of the Mobilists #37

Welcome to the 37th Carnival of the Mobilists. If you're not familiar with the Carnival, it's a weekly collection of posts submitted by mobile-related weblogs. Each week is hosted by a different blogger. I have the honor of being this week's host.The idea of the Carnival is to create more visibility for people doing commentary on the mobile industry. So please click on some of the fine articles below. You'll make a blogger's day.What is a carnival anyway?Say the word "Carnival" and you'll conjure...

Dell's flaming laptop hits the big time

The infamous flaming Dell laptop finally made the mainstream press this week, with an article in the New York Times. If you somehow missed the original story, a Dell laptop did a Burning Man imitation at a conference in Japan. Someone took pictures (let's hear it for camera phones), and the photos made it onto the Inquirer web site. From there they spread all over the web, and eventually to the Times.The Times views the burning laptop as a parable about Dell customer service, but actually if...

The trouble with home video

I'm taking a detour from mobility this week to ask a question: Do you own a video camera?If you have kids, like me, chances are you bought video camera before or soon after your first child was born, so you could preserve those precious childhood moments. Like me, you probably took dozens of hours of video in the first year – the little one smiling when her toes were tickled, the little one sucking on daddy's thumb, the little one spitting creamed carrots across the room.Over the subsequent years,...