Going to CTIA

I'll be at CTIA on Tuesday the 12th. If you'll be there and want to chat, please drop me a no...

What if Palm made a smartphone and nobody cared?

These must be frustrating times for the people at Palm.The company recently pre-announced that it's creating a 3G Treo for sale through Vodafone later this year. This was a very important breakthrough for Palm. It has been trying for years to get broader distribution for its smartphones in Europe, without great success. Now the world's largest mobile operator is embracing the company, and saying specifically that it'll offer the new Treo in at least the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands....

What is Google's search share, really?

It sounds like such a simple question. But like an impressionist painting, the closer you look, the more the image deteriorates.ComScore says Google accounts for 44% of Internet searches in the US.Netratings (owned by the Nielsen survey people) says Google's share is 49%.Hitwise says Google's share is 60%.Alexa says Google's share is 85%.What the heck is going on?First of all, no one on Earth knows what Google's actual share is. In order to get that number, you'd have to know the exact number...

What a difference three years makes

In 2003, Po Bronson wrote an influential article in Wired labeling Silicon Valley the new Detroit. Three years later, the article reads as both visionary and completely off base.The visionary part was Bronson's prediction that Silicon Valley wouldn't return to being a lifestyle trend-setter. "It was a new culture that both captured the world's imagination and had it running scared. Rich people in New York felt poor. Smart people in Redmond felt stupid. Producers in Hollywood spoke a whole new...