The "Bubble" and What's Really Going on with Startups

Today's New York Times declares that there an investment "bubble" in Silicon Valley being concealed by venture capitalists, and that it's so out of control that startups are being told not to generate revenue for fear of disrupting their fantasy valuations (link).I think the article is about 1/3 correct and 2/3 nuts.  Yes, some startup valuations do seem amazingly high.  No, there isn't some grand conspiracy, and there isn't necessarily a bubble.  This is an important issue for the...

Apple is Not Sony

I'm not sure what I disagree with more, Forrester Research's glib prediction that Apple will be the next Sony (link), or the assumption that it's even possible to predict something that complicated.  Let me start with the second issue.The longer I've been in the tech industry, the more I've come to realize that predictions about it are usually worthless.  Leave aside the big failed dreams like nuclear-powered aircraft (link) and the transatlantic train tunnel (link).  Even products...

The Two Faces of RIM

At the risk of turning this weblog into the "BlackBerry channel," I wanted to add a couple of additional thoughts to my post on Research in Motion's recent earnings and strategy announcement (link).  There was an interesting divergence in the press and analyst comments about Thorsten Heins' statement that RIM would refocus on enterprise customers.  Commentators in the US and Canada generally responded to it fairly well, while those in Europe and other parts of the world were a lot more...

Chic Mane

What a sleek poof! We think this would be great for the sophisticated bride. Courtesy of Nicky Oli...

Earring Fashion Jewelry Trends 2012

Now, it's all about trendy and stylish beaded Earrings Fashion Jewelry Trends 2012. Beads that we know children's toys, or dolls, hair accessories, such as flops, and so forth. Now it is changed to something that is very valuable and very attractive to women. Even if those goods, trend for women to women and it is the obligation of the popularity. Earring beads, here's what we cover this time. In addition to the unique shape, color, and beautiful models, earrings became iconic Latest fashion...

Rebuilding RIM

There's something sick about our love of disaster movies.  We take pleasure in seeing great works of ego laid low -- that unsinkable ship is going down, the fireproof skyscraper is going to burn all the way to the top.  I think many observers are now watching Research in Motion like a disaster movie: It's too big to ignore, too sick to survive, every quarter is a new plot twist of devastation.  Some of the press coverage is taking on a mournful air of inevitability:"RIM weighs bleak...

All Latest Fashion Trends Show 2012

Although the year is not over, most of 2011 trends come to be defined. We can already get a good feeling as such for some of the elements that we carry through into next year if fashion trends. After the break you'll find the beginning of a list of those trends, including the elements that will come to influence their formation.If you keep up to date with all of the latest fashion trends and inspiration on how to wear them, would like to subscribe to the newsletter or RSS feed to