Half Up Half Down with Tiara

This lovely style is courtesy of
Shirelle Munn

Short Bridal Hairstyle With Comb Tiara

Courtesy of Morning Star Photography

Diagonal Puffy Braids Toddler

Her hair is so fine that we continue to try different hair styles. I made 2 diagonal parts parallel to each other. Then start with 1 elastic and make puffy braids back we used 3.
My toddler is not a very good model so this is the only picture I got.

Long Loose Curls


Make a zig zag part down the entire length of her hair.
French braid down each side all the way to the ends.

After the braids are complete the pictures below show how to pull the ends of the braids up and secure the whole thing with an elastic. Then separate the ends to give a flare look. (This hairstyle was given to me by a good friend. My daughter spent the night with her and this is how she did her hair. Thanks Brit)

Carefree Half Up, Half Down Style

When Toddlers do their own Hair

Here is what happens when you your toddler does her own hair.

I have a character for a 2 year old and all I can do is love her. At least she didn't cut it.

Intricate Updo With Flower

Courtesy of Magic In Motion

Natural Spirals & Coils

Courtesy of Nedjetti

Low Chignon with Bangs

Bangs are "la mode" right now. Take advantage of them by pairing them with a low chignon for lovely bridal style.

Twists into ponytail

I apologize about the poor quality of these pictures. It looks like a setting on my camera got switched. (These pictures don't show how cute this hair style really is)

I did a diagonal part. I took each side and first made 2 twists on the top section. As shown below.

Then I made a 3rd twist (or pull through). Do this to both sides.
Take each of those 3 and twist them as shown below. Once they are twisted secure with an elastic. Do the same on both sides and then combine the sides together.

This is a great hairstyle if you are trying to grow out your daughters bangs or if they decide to cut their own hair.

Google Chrome OS: Opening a vein in Redmond

I need to study it some more, but here's my first take on Google's Chrome OS announcement (link). I think what they’re really saying is:

"We want to bleed Microsoft to death, and we've decided that the best way to do that is give away equivalents to their products. By creating a free OS for netbooks (the only part of the PC market that's really growing) we hope to force Microsoft into a Clayton Christensen-style dilemma. It can either cut the price of Windows in order to compete with us, or it can gradually surrender OS share.

"By using Chrome to set a standard for web applications, we also help to make the Windows APIs less relevant. So even if Microsoft manages to hold share in PCs, its OS franchise becomes less and less meaningful over time."

That helps to explain why Google would be pushing both Chrome and Android at the same time. If you're really serious about running a logical OS program in its own right, you'd try to rationalize those two things. But if your top priority is to commoditize Microsoft, then you don't mind pushing out a couple of overlapping initiatives. The more free options, the more pain caused.

The next question we should all ask is whether Chrome-based netbooks will take off. I'm skeptical, especially in the near term. Most people buy netbooks to run PC applications. Linux already failed in the netbook market because it can't run PC apps, and Chrome OS won't run PC applications either.

But in the meantime, Google can put more price pressure on Microsoft, and maybe that's the real point.

Sassy Spiral Curls

Toddler Pigtails

Simple, Easy, Cute
This hair style is just the very front part of her hair. Part the hair and make 2 pigtails

We like to make silly parts.

Eva Marcille: Braid Bun

Hair from Princess Protection Program

This hair style is taken from the movie princess protection program. The hairstyle is from the mean girl who's father owns the yogurt shop. (I will try and find a picture of her hair to add)

Make a center part and french braid all the way to the ends.

Secure the french braids under all of her hair with an elastic.

This is a bad picture of the top of her hair. But it lets you see how it will look.

Happy 4th of July

4th of July Toddler Hair

Toddler 4th of July Hair Style

My toddler is a fire cracker so this hair style fits her personality. I used red, white, and blue elastics and separated her hair into 3 different sections. I did puffy braids starting with red elastics.

Once the 3 puffy braids are in place I took 4th of July wire (I bought it at my local craft store)
I cut a small piece and wrapped it around the ends of all three ponytails. I then used my finger to curl the remaining wire.

Here is a better picture of the final result. (My little girl is 2 and sometimes we don't get very good pictures, but we do the best we can so sorry if the pictures are not very clear. If you have questions about the hair styles just ask. I would be happy to explain them further.

4th of July Hair

Fun 4th of July Hair Style

Take some ribbon of your choice and double it to the length you desire. Start by pulling a small amount of hair by her ear. Take the ribbon at the half way and secure the hair and ribbon with an elastic. Separate the hair into 3 pieces and the ribbon by color in the same 3 pieces. Then french braid up to the center of her hair.

This is a picture of one side of the french braid (I apologize that the pictures are not very clear). do the same thing on the other side. So you have 2 french braids that end in the middle of her hair.

Then secure the 2 ends of the braids together. You can do this hair style for the 4th of July or 24th if you live in Utah. Or change the ribbon and wear it anytime

Poofy Bangs

This is one of those hair styles you can wear different way.

My daughter has discovered bumpits so she has the small one in the front of her hair. We secured the poof with small bobby pins. You can leave the hair like this or

Like this we took the sides and pulled them back and secured them with an elastic

Toddler Crazy Hair

My toddler has very fine hair. So here is a crazy fun hairstyle for girls with fine hair.

Take the hair starting by the ear and pull it up into an elastic. Add one more up the hair to make a puffy braid. Do the same on the other side. Once you have the 2 sides pulled up then take the 2 sides up into one ponytail.