The Two Most Dangerous Words in Technology Marketing

"Just wait."

So powerful.  So easy to say.  So appealing when your current products are behind the curve, and the press and analysts are beating you up about it.  You can shut up the critics instantly if you just drop a few hints about the next generation product that's now in the labs.

So dangerous.

The phrase "just wait" ought to be locked behind glass in the marketing department, like a fire extinguisher, with a sign that says, "Break glass only in emergency."  And then you hide the hammer someplace where no one can find it.

Saying "just wait" is dangerous because it invites customers to stop buying your current products.  You're basically advertising against yourself.  If your company is under financial or competitive stress, the risk is even greater because people are already questioning your viability.

This danger is especially potent in the tech industry (as opposed to carpeting or detergent) because tech customers worship newness, and they use the Internet aggressively to spread information.  One vague hint at a conference in Japan can turn into a worldwide product announcement overnight.

 This danger has been well understood in the tech industry dating at least back to 1983, when portable computing pioneer Adam Osborne supposedly helped destroy his PC company by pre-announcing a new generation of computers before they were ready to ship (link). Palm reinforced the lesson in 2000 by pre-announcing the m500 handheld line and stalling current sales (link).

But maybe memories have faded, because we've been hearing "just wait" a lot lately:

--Nokia announced that it's switching its software to Windows Phone, and promised new devices based on the OS by this fall.  Nokia executives have hammered that message over and over, even making detailed promises about features including ease of use, battery life, imaging, voice commands, cloud services, and price (link).  Some execs have even told audiences that they have a prototype in their pockets, but coyly refused to show it (link).  What's the thinking here?  Does refusing to show the product somehow nullify the fact that you just told everyone not to buy what you sell today?

--In February 2011, HP pre-announced a series of new smartphones that were supposed to come out over the next year.  The most attractive-sounding one, the Pre3, was supposed to ship last.  Not only did this obsolete HP's current products, but it also overshadowed the other new products HP launched in the interim.  HP's interim smartphone sales turned out to be so bad that it killed the business before the Pre3 could even launch in the US.

--Speaking of HP, the company just announced that it will be selling its PC business because it's not doing well.  As Jean-Louis Gassee pointed out, that's like inviting customers to switch to another vendor who actually wants to be in the business (link).  That forced HP executive Todd Bradley to boost confidence by going on tour pre-announcing himself as future CEO of the theoretical spun-out company, even though HP's Board won't even meet to decide on a spinout until December (link).

--RIM announced that it's moving BlackBerry to a new operating system, which will apparently not run on its existing smartphones.  It has spent much of the last year telling people how great all the new features of the OS will be.  The company also pre-announced that it will enable Android applications to run on its future phones.  Meanwhile, market share of its current products has been dropping steadily.  The latest rumors say RIM's new phones will not be out until Q1 of 2012 (link), meaning the company has probably sabotaged its own Christmas sales for 2011.

--Microsoft announced that it's replacing Windows in about a year.  That's not necessarily a problem, since it says the new version of Windows will run on existing hardware.  But Microsoft also said it's introducing a new development platform based on HTML 5.  This set off a huge amount of teeth-gnashing among today's app developers worried that their skills are about to become obsolete (check out the excellent overview by Mary-Jo Foley here).

Why are companies doing this over and over?  Sometimes you have no choice.  For example, Nokia couldn't lay off the Symbian team without saying something about its OS plans.  However, it didn't have to be so noisy about the plans, so I think that wasn't its only motivation.

Sometimes the cause is a mismatch between the needs of a hardware business and the needs of a software business.  If you're making a software platform, you pre-announce it as early as possible to build confidence and get developers ready at launch.  But if you're selling hardware, you want to keep new stuff a secret until the day you ship.  When you mix hardware and software, you are pulled in both directions.  I think that disconnect probably affected Nokia, which is now run by a CEO who worked in software for most of his career. 

Companies also sometimes pre-announce products because it placates investors.  Wall Street analysts always ask what you're developing in the future, and executives sometimes can't resist the urge to tell them and prop up the stock price.  Ironically, this may help the stock for a quarter, but often has the long-term effect of hurting a company's value when the pre-announcement slows sales.  But each CEO always seems to believe he or she will be the one who gets away with it.  I believe investor pressure was one of the drivers when Palm pre-announced the m500, and I believe it also explains some of the pre-announcements by HP and RIM.

Sometimes internal company politics also plays a role.  An executive may pre-announce a product in the hope that the announcement will put more pressure on the development team to deliver "on time."  Or a business leader will pre-announce something to pre-empt internal competition from another group.  I've seen both of those happen at places where I worked.  Needless to say, any company that allows internal politics to drive external communication has much bigger problems than its announcements policy.

Pre-announcements also create other problems.  They educate the competition about what you're doing, and give them time to prepare a response.  This is especially dangerous if you're trying to come from behind, which is usually the situation when a company pre-announces.  So a competitor is already out-maneuvering you, and now you're giving them more notice of your plans?

But I think the worst effect of a pre-announcement is that it invalidates any signals you get from the market.  You can't actually tell if your underlying business is healthy or not.  Did HP's smartphone sales slow down because people hated its products, or because HP had invited customers to wait for the new ones?  Have BlackBerry sales been suffering because customers don't want them, or because RIM invited people not to buy?  Was the enormous drop in Nokia smartphone sales due to flaws in the products, or due to Nokia's relentless promotion of new phones that aren't yet shipping?

There's no way to tell for sure.  And so, if you're running one of those companies, you don't know whether or not you should panic -- or more to the point, what exactly you should panic about.  You have now trapped yourself in limbo, and there is no way out until your new products ship.

So, as you can guess, I am generally against pre-announcements.  But they can be very powerful, and there are a couple of special cases in which they're appropriate.

When it's safe to pre-announce

If you're entering a new business.  If you don't have any current sales to cannibalize, it's relatively safe  to pre-announce.  You're still alerting the competition, which I dislike, but at least you won't tank your current business.  Apple pre-announced the first iPhone and iPad before they shipped, but you'll notice that they've been very secretive about the follow-ons.

A variant on this is when a competitor is ahead of you in a new category and you want to slow down their momentum.  You pre-announce your own version of their product, in the hope that customers will wait to get it from you rather than buying from the competition.  This can be especially effective in enterprise markets, where IT managers tend to develop long-term buying relationships with a few vendors.  IBM used this technique relentlessly during the mainframe era, and Microsoft picked up the habit from them.

Pre-announcements are less effective against competitors in consumer markets, where people are sometimes driven by the urge to buy now.  They also don't do much in cases where it's easy to switch vendors.  For example, Google pre-announcing a web service isn't likely to stop people from using competitors to it in the interim.  A pre-announcement can intimidate venture capitalists, though, and I wonder if Google doesn't sometimes announce a direction in order to hinder a potential competitor's ability to raise money.

If there is a seamless, zero-hassle upgrade path.  If customers will be able to move easily to your new products, without obsoleting what they use today, and without big expense, a pre-announcement can be safe.  For example Apple generally pre-announces new versions of Mac OS, and it's not a major problem because currently-available Mac hardware can run the new OS.  Where RIM went wrong with its OS announcement is that its current hardware apparently can't run the new OS.  So RIM has announced the pending obsolescence of everything it sells today.

If you are messing with the mind of a competitor.  Theoretically, if you're dealing with a competitor who's very imitative, you can make them waste time and money by leaking news of future products that you don't actually plan to build.  The competitor will feel obligated to spin up a business unit to copy your phantom product, leaving less money to respond to what you're actually doing. 

When I was at Apple, we used to joke that we could waste $20 million a pop at Microsoft by seeding and then strenuously denying rumors that we were working on weird but plausible products.  Handheld game machines, anyone?  Television remote controls?  Apple today is so influential that it could manipulate entire industries by doing that, not just individual companies.

But when you do this you gradually erode your credibility with your customers. If the rumor is plausible enough to dupe a competitor, it will also dupe some customers, who will then be disappointed when you don't deliver.  Eventually you won't be able to get customers excited when you announce real products.  Look at the skepticism people often express today when Google announces a new initiative.

The most famous case in which misdirection supposedly worked was not in business but in international politics.  Some historians say that the collapse of the Soviet Union was hastened by the huge investments it made trying to keep up with Reagan Administration defense initiatives, some of which had no hope of actually working, but which still seemed plausible enough that the Soviets felt obligated to cover them. 

I'm not so sure that really caused the collapse of the Soviet Union; big economic changes are usually driven by big economic forces, not by tactics.  But more to the point, you're not Ronald Reagan, this isn't the Cold War, and if you try to pull off a fake this complicated you'll probably just confuse your customers and employees.

So unless you're entering a new market, or have a seamless low-cost upgrade path to the new product, your best bet is to grit your teeth, shut up, and next time plan better so you'll be ahead of the market instead of playing catch-up.

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Skoda Laura RS|Skoda Laura RS Price|Skoda Laura RS Price in India|Skoda Laura RS Review|Skoda Laura RS Specs|Skoda Laura RS Price India

Skoda Auto India have today launched the Skoda Laura RS. Skoda Laura RS  Rally Sport or RS version of the Octavia the Skoda Laura RS comes with direct injection technology coupled with a turbocharger on a 1.8 liter engine capable of churning out and a six speed short-shifting gearbox.the Skoda Laura RS comes with 16 inch alloy wheels with 205/55 mm tyres an aerodynamic spoiler dual chrome exhaust xenon curve projector headlights with dynamic leveling. The Skoda Laura RS will be available in four different shades like Sprint Yellow Race Blue Candy White and Magic Black.

Skoda Laura RS  priced at Rs.15.20 lakhs ex-showroom

Fall Into Beauty!

Professional makeup artists are always on the edge of their seats this time of year! The fall season begins right after New York Fashion Week ends and the beauty manufacturers are bringing out this seasons “must have” products!

The Pros here at IMPO love this time of year and can’t wait to get our hands on all the gorgeous colors the fall season brings. This is the perfect time of year to update our kits and personally rock the latest in lipstick, eye shadow, blush and eyeliner!

Just like a new coat of paint brings an instant lift to the walls of your home, a new season’s makeup collection can renew your spirits and revitalize your confidence. Here is what we love…

Jewel tones are all the rage this fall and holiday season. Think hues of purple, teal, and deep red, not only for your wardrobe, but incorporated into your makeup bag. Achieve that luxurious satin finish using a combination of matte and shimmer eye shadows; best seen in a smoldering smoky eye. Deep chocolates, pewter and soft grays compliment skin tones and are versatile year round.

Bobbi Brown’s Nude Eye Shadow Palette is perfection when it comes to the ideal warm neutral shades. The palette is divided into three matte shades and three corresponding shimmer shades with a satin finish. The darkest matte shade can also double as a liner. Chino is a neutral matte that can be used as contour color for cheeks and forehead.

Combine this palette with Nars lipstick in Fast Ride to complete the sultry "fall" look. The deep mulberry shade is a semi-sheer wash so the color is buildable. Layer it with one of Smashbox’s Nude Lip Pencils (medium or dark) for a darker, more matte lip.

Make sure you snag up that Bobbi Brown Nude Palette and in October, grab Bobbi’s Earth Metal Lip and Eye Palette as well from her Holiday 2009 Collection. Meshing both palettes together by combining the matte shades, shimmer colors and metallic’s will give you hundreds of eye-popping options along with gorgeous creamy lip colors that can be layered and blended together to create a custom look!

Smashbox has unveiled the Reign Collection, featuring two truly decadent eye shadow palettes with three shades, each in a matte and shimmer. These shadows can also be worn wet for a more intense application.

The Majesty Palette from the Reign Collection has a warm vanilla, deep burgundy, and a black shadow. For dual use, apply the burgundy shadow to the high points of cheekbones using a fan brush for a gorgeous blush color. Avoid burgundy eye shadows with too many red or orange undertones, as it will bring out the redness in your eyes. Steer more towards the berry shades.

Pump it up a notch by dabbing gold eye shadow on the center of the eyelid to make the look even more regal. Our favs: Goldmine and Amber Lights by MAC, Ambient by Smashbox, and the Cheyenne Duo eye shadow by Nars, which combines gold and plum in one compact. Add a touch of Lancôme Virtuose Black Carat Gold Mascara, it is a rich inky pigment that coats and curls lashes to spectacular lengths and the formulation contains tiny gold particles!

If you love wearing a dark lip color, try OCC Lip Tar in Plum or Vintage. The stain will stay on all day and you can apply a clear lip gloss for added shine and va-va-voom!

Pair the dark lip with another hot, seasonal trend: gray eye shadow. Mix a matte slate gray like Illamasqua’s Feline with a satin charcoal color like Drama or Incubus, from the same line. Complete the soft look with the new Volume Effet Faux Cils Mascara from Yves Saint Laurent, which is gray mascara.

Insider Secret: If suffering from puffy eyes, apply eye shadow in a darker shade under your bottom lashes. Because dark colors recede, it will give the illusion of a well-slept, bright-eyed beauty!

The red lip never goes out of season, but this fall the colors have more of a red/blue undertone. Don’t know where to purchase the best red colors? Try Lipstick Queen! Feeling innocent? A sheer wash across your lips makes for a pretty pout, in colors Rouge, Wine or Red from the Saints lipstick collection.

Feeling a little more adventurous? Pick a matte finish lipstick from the Sinner collection in Rouge and Red and really step out in style by layering the Hard Core gloss to your pucker. It has an intense pigment and huge shine payoff. Red Sinner and Wine Sinner are our picks.

Lipstick Queen’s creator, Poppy King, says you don’t need much else when wearing a red lip. Opt for a sheer wash of foundation to conceal skin issues, powder to a matte finish, a little pink flush on the cheeks, tight-line the upper lash line only, add mascara and that is it!

The Pros love the look of a "teal" eye and can't wait to get our hands on the shades that Amanda Seyfriend is wearing in the September issue of InStyle Magazine. She has a classic smoky eye, but with a fresh mermaid twist; green! Create the look by using Cle de Peau Beaute Satin eye color in Emerald No. 109, which is a deep pine color that would be amazing layered over a teal Bobbi Brown eye shadow like Bash Metallic. Makeup Pro, Mariel Barrera says, "the key to this look is to blend to death! That way the two colors will melt together!"

The latest edition of Allure Magazine says "cobalt" eyeliner is hot for the fall season and the Pros love this look combined with dark brown eye shadows and a nude pink lip. This eye look is sultry and sexy, which means a filled-in, sculpted brow would be essential. Try Giorgio Armani Beauty’s Smooth Silk Eye Pencil in #3-Blue. It is a silky formula that allows for precise and easy application. Use to fully line both the upper and lower lash line!

Bump up that gorgeous blue eyeliner or a classic black liner by layering Givenchy’s Parad’Eyes Fluid Eye Liner in Elegant Pearl. It is a soft metallic color that will make your eyes bewitching! This is an eye opening liquid with major pigment and it contains a sprinkling of mother-of-pearl particles! Long-lasting intensity that will not run or flake!

Peach cheeks are a must and will work with any of the above mentioned eye looks. This season a bold eye or lip is all the rage, which means a toned-down warm cheek color is necessary to avoid looking overly made up!

We love Julie Hewett’s Cheekie + Shimmy Duo in Peachie/Goldie! This product is so versatile and can be used to highlight your face, eyes, lips and body. Gives a sheer hint of color that will warm your cheeks and freshen up your face. You can apply with your finger; sponge or the Pros recommend using Julie Hewett’s Chubby Cheekie Brush for perfect blending ability!

Don’t forget those nails! The IMPO Pros fell in love with OPI’s deep purple Black Cherry Chutney and shimmery pewter, My Private Jet. Go bold and wear navy blue, purple, gray and even taupe polish.

Whatever products you choose to add to your current collection don't forget that jewel tones add sparkle to any look. They are deep pigments of color not neon or bright! Purchase the right colors and your look will be up-to-date well into the upcoming Holiday Season!


Our "tip" for this post is to make certain that our readers see The September Issue! A film by R.J. Cutler featuring Anna Wintour and the making of Vogue! "Fashion is a religion, this is the bible!" "Juicy...A great on to watch," Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times, "Immensely enjoyable," Krista Smith, Vanity Fair. Don't miss it!


Up next on IMPO: It's "back to school" time so listen up!!! You are purchasing new clothes and school supplies, but how about new cosmetics and skincare? It is time to clean out and throw out those nasty products that are "so last year!" Get your teen in tip top beauty shape and help boost her confidence at the same time!

Fashion Tees- T Shirt Trends

Quotes about Fashion Tees:Nothing to takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love” ~ Charlie Brown.

I love this shirt fashion, especially the idea of adding some realism fashion to a cartoon character and also some faces design. Something along the same lines was doing the rounds on the Net a few years ago, it was a hand drawing of the kids from South Park as real kids and not imagined characters.

Cute Short Hair Styles

Cute Short hairstyles look fabulous with any style.There are so many things you can do with a short hairstyles, from curling to crimp, to putting it up in a fabulous and elegant up do.There are some popular looks with short hair that never seem to fail,because short hair can basically go with any face type.cute short hairstyles must have lots of natural shine,flirtatious flips and long loose layers whether your hairstyle is cute short hairstyles.

August Nails Art Fashion Design

The August 2011 nail Fashion design depends on your status. In case you are a student or an intern it is advisable to have straightforward nail polish. You require to not put up an picture that is not suited to your character in particular in case you will go to school or to your office. You can ask the specialist beautician of your favorite salon about the nail designs suited for you. Tell them about your age, profession or status so that they can give you the correct assistance. Check out the professionals on the net given that your online nail salon will be so happy to assist you in your beauty issues.

Nails are getting the glare of publicity as of late. Don’t get me wrong, females have been getting their nails completed for years, but recently nail color & nail art have become an essential part of fashion.