2 Braids to Updo

I started by making 2 diagonal frenchbraids that go back to the crown of her head.
Once the braids are secured with elastics I pulled the sides of her hair out of the way with a clip.
Now pull the 2 ends of the braids and secure together with an elasic in the center of the hair you have in the clip.  The hair left down is going to hide the elastics.
Pull up the both sides as shown below.
Secure both the sides in the center of her head with an elastic *Shown Below*
Now take all the hair into a ponytail form and twist it upward.  I secured her twist with a lot of bobby pins.  I also asked her if the twist felt tight, I kept adding bobby pins until she said it felt tight. 

Question #6

*Question 6*
A question was left for this adorable hairstyle.  She wanted to know how do you wrap the hair around the ponytail and hold it? Do you just tuck it into the rubberband?

Answer:  I usually use clear rubber bands and also bobby pins.  It depends on the style and how wild her hair is on that day.  For this style I just used the bobby pins.  I made several wraps around the ponytail and then took the ends under the ponytail and stuck the bobby pin straight into her hair this way you can't see the bobby pin.

Quick thoughts on Palm and HP

It could have been worse. A lot worse.

Many of the companies rumored to be looking at Palm would have bought it mostly for the patents or the brand, and tossed aside everything else. But I think there's a good chance that HP bought the company to keep running it. HP has a long history of activity in the mobile devices market, but hasn't had a lot of knockout success there lately, other than in notebook computers. Palm makes it a player again, or at least potentially a player.

The press release makes it sound like HP was especially interested in the software side of Palm rather than the hardware. WebOS was mentioned six times (compared to one mention of Pre), and Todd Bradley, EVP of the Personal Systems group at HP, was quoted in the press release as saying, "Palm's innovative operating system provides an ideal platform to expand HP’s mobility strategy and create a unique HP experience spanning multiple mobile connected devices."

Sure sounds to me like they're planning to deploy the OS across different classes of devices. And tablets were reportedly mentioned specifically in the press conference after the deal was announced.

So overall, I think Palm users and developers should feel good about the deal. Obviously, everything will depend on execution. But at least the company's not being immediately dismantled, which could easily have happened.

Here are some other thoughts on the deal:

Upside for Palm device sales. With HP's huge sales infrastructure, the Pre can move quickly into a lot of interesting places Palm couldn't easily reach -- especially corporate sales, more international markets, and more operator deals.

Ominous news for Microsoft. Between the gains for Android and the Apple-driven trend toward mobile companies owning their own platforms, the market space for Microsoft's mobile software continues to shrink. But more important than that, HP is the number one Windows vendor, and it now owns its own operating system. That's not an immediate crisis for Microsoft, but it should keep someone there awake at night.

Can the old dog HP learn new tricks? Historically, HP has been pretty close to inept in two areas that Palm knows how to run: Managing a consumer developer community, and creating a great user experience by combining hardware and software. If HP is wise, it will keep the Palm teams intact and let them gradually spread those skills to the rest of the company. On the other hand, if HP tries to "help" the Palm folks execute, it will almost certainly drown them in process and bureaucracy.

What is HP's goal in personal systems? The thing that surprises me most about the Palm purchase is that the rumor mill in Silicon Valley said HP was moving away from differentiation in PCs. The company has laid off many of the Apple refugees who had come in to help run the PC business, and the quirky advertising seems to have faded into the background. Supposedly, HP was much more interested in emulating Acer than Apple in PCs. But the Palm deal positions HP as a much more direct competitor to Apple.

Maybe HP sees mobile as a different marketplace, where investment and innovation can pay off better.

PS: I won't even get into the irony of former Palm CEO Todd Bradley now controlling the company again. Let's just say Silicon Valley is a very small place.

Toddler Knots to Pigtails

This hairstyle did not turn out how I had imagined it.  With toddlers I guess that is normal 
Her hair is so thin that the knots didn't look as good as I had wanted.

I started by pulling the front part of her hair and tied a knot.  Then I made a 2nd knot just behind the first.  Because of how thin her hair is I had to secure the ends of both knots with an elastic.  That is why there is an elastic in the middle of the 2 pigtials.
Once the knots are secured I pulled the remaining hair into side pigtails.

Updo With Tiara

Braids to Ponytail

It is getting really hot around our part of the world.  My older daughter hates to sweat weird I know so we were going to spend the day at the park and here is the up hairstyle we came up with.
I started in the middle of her head and made a triangle part and made a simple braid all the way down to the ends and secured with an elastic. 
Once the center braid is made make 4 more braids 2 on each side of the center braid. 
Below is a picture of the top 3 braids.
Then pull all the hair and braids into a ponytail as shown below.
Then wrap the braids around the ponytail and secure the ends with a bobby pin.
Below is a side view of her hair.

Toddler simple twist

We have been on vacation that is the reason for the lack of posts lately. 
My toddler has a sensative head and regularly asks for simple hairstyles with no elastics. 
A simple twist across the front of her head and curled the rest under. 

**NOTE** If any of you have noticed our recent shortness in the bangs this is what happens when a toddler moves while getting her bangs cut.  At least she looks good with what we call the Katy Perry bangs. 

Question #5

Question #5 is this  "is there anyway i can do that on myself, i tried, its hard"
This hair style is much easier when someone else can do the braid.  However it is possible.  I have to make sure my hair is wet when I start.  Then I take a pillow and lay it on a counter to place my head on.  The hardest part is controlling the hair because it wants to lay over where you are working.  This is the reason for placing my head on the pillow.  You want as much hair out of your way as possible.  I hope this helps you will also want to practice a couple of times.  I think it took me several tries the first time to get it right.

Poof to Ponytail

There are so many times my daughters asks for a quick hairstyle so this took us seconds. 
I made a simple poof keeping her bangs out of her face.  Then pulled the rest of the hair into a ponytail.
I finished it off by wrapping the ponytail with her hair. 

Real Bride: Upswept, Sideswept

This is a romantic style in which curls are swept into a cascade of tendrils with a veil.

This photo is courtesy of Naija Wed N More

Lessons From the Fall of Palm

What went wrong?

Palm is now apparently prepping itself for a remainder sale, or new sugar daddy, or some other sort of deal that will change its current trajectory. I wish them well, and I hope they can remain independent and go on to accomplish great things in the future. But whatever happens, it's clear that the current incarnation of Palm has failed. Almost everyone I talk to in Silicon Valley is already speaking of the company in the past tense.

Most of the comments I've seen online blame the company's failure on the high marketing costs associated with selling hardware:

--Ed Snyder, an analyst with Charter Equity Research, told the New York Times: “They poured all their resources into developing a killer product. But they didn’t have the resources left to go to market.” (link)

--Engadget called Palm "a company that has more talent, history, and bright ideas than it has cash and customers." (link)

--Charlie Wolf of Needham & Company told Bloomberg: "It can't get scale. It doesn't have the resources to market the Palm OS and the Pre in a way that would break through the noise." (link)

--Even Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein blamed the problem on marketing challenges: "Palm webOS is recognized as a groundbreaking platform that enables one of the best smartphone experiences available today....However, driving broad consumer adoption of Palm products is taking longer than we anticipated." (link)

The quotes reflect the tech industry's stereotypical view of hardware businesses: They require huge marketing budgets, making them incredibly high-risk, high-cost investments. That's why you see thousands of software startups in Silicon Valley and only a handful of hardware ones.

I think that's nuts. Hardware companies like Pure Digital (maker of the Flip camera) succeeded with virtually no marketing budget. Why? Because they made appealing products that filled a particular customer need. If you do that, hardware is easy to market virally. I think the lesson from Palm's failure isn't "making hardware is dangerous," it's "lack of focus in a small hardware company is dangerous."

I don't want to turn this post into an anti-Palm diatribe. As I said, I hope they survive, and I have enormous respect for the people who work there. But in the spirit of helping everyone learn from Palm's situation, here are the five lessons I think we should all take away from Palm's struggles:

1. Understand what problem you're solving. I asked this question when the Pre was first announced, and I'll ask it again now: What compelling problem does the Pre solve for what customer? (link) It's easy to answer that for successful devices:

--BlackBerry = great e-mail on the go for mobile professionals

--iPhone = the best entertainment and browsing on the go (later extended to include apps)

--Flip = the easiest way to capture video and share it online

What's the short pitch for Pre? Go check the Palm website. As of April 18, it featured three different positionings right on the front page: "Social networking at its best," "Advanced 3D games," and "Work smarter, stay connected." So it's a business / social networking / gaming tool. For all of those millions of people who want to do serious business, 3D games, and Facebook posts all at once.

This isn't a recent problem. At the time of the Pre announcement, Palm advocates described it as a device for people who want better e-mail than the iPhone and better entertainment than the BlackBerry. The implication was that there's a big center to the smartphone market that's frustrated by the lack of a keyboard on an iPhone and the lack of a music player on BlackBerry. Re-read Jon Rubinstein's quote above: "webOS is recognized as a groundbreaking platform that enables one of the best smartphone experiences available today." The assumption there is that millions of customers are looking to buy a "smartphone experience," as opposed to a tool that solves a particular problem.

If that unsatisfied center existed, Pre would have sold like hotcakes.

2. Take care of your friends. When Elevation Partners took control of Palm, the company wasn't just a famous brand. It also had a fairly large base of loyal customers and developers who had stuck with the Treo through a lot of angst and adversity. The new Palm did very little to keep those people loyal. The developers weren't given any way to bridge their existing applications to the new OS. Faced with starting over on webOS or starting over on the much larger iPhone base, guess what they chose. And Palm, which once prided itself on simplicity, made the Treo to Pre migration process into the sort of marathon experience that we used to tease Microsoft about. Here are some of the instructions from Palm's own website (link):

Decide where you want to move your Calendar/Contacts

The Data Transfer Assistant moves your info out of the desktop organizer and onto your phone. From there, your phone sends the data to the web account of your choice.

Your choices: Google, Microsoft Exchange, or Yahoo!.
Need help deciding where your info should go?

Skip this step if you already have an online account where you want to move the info from your old desktop organizer.
Create an account for one of these web services:

1. Go to Google.com: Create a Google account and set up a new account.
2. If you've never used Google Calendar, you'll need to sign in at least one time before proceeding. Go to google.com/calendar, and follow the login & activation steps until you see your calendar.

Microsoft Exchange for corporate users

Ask your IT Helpdesk for these four pieces of information.

* Incoming mail server name
* Domain name (if it's different from your incoming mail server name)
* Exchange username
* Exchange password

Yahoo! Calendar & Contacts

Contacts are transferred from Yahoo.com to the phone, but not from phone to Yahoo!

1. Go to Yahoo.com: Sign up for Yahoo! and create a new account.

Or back up your info to your online Palm profile

Ready to go - you already created an account when you set up your phone.

Set up the account on your phone

After creating an online account, add it to your phone. This ensures that your info moves correctly to the account.

1. On your phone, open Contacts.
2. Open the application menu and tap Preferences & Accounts.
3. Tap Add An Account and select the account you created above.
4. Enter the username and password for that account.

Sync your old device one last time

Skip this step if you do not have a previous Palm device.

To make sure you have the most up-to-date version of your info in Palm Desktop or standalone Outlook, synchronize your previous Palm device and your computer one last time.

Export your info using the Data Transfer Assistant

For fastest results, turn on Wi-Fi (if available) and plug in the charger before proceeding.

Download the tool: Data_Transfer_Assistant_1e.exe

After the download is complete, double-click Data_Transfer_Assistant_1e.exe in the location on your computer where you downloaded it.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Note: When you connect the phone to your computer, some applications may launch automatically, moving the Data Transfer Assistant to the background. To return the Data Transfer Assistant to the foreground, click the Data Transfer Assistant icon on your computer's taskbar....

You can find some more discussion here.

This in itself wasn't a disaster. Any company has to set priorities, and Palm just didn't make the links to its legacy customers and developers a priority. But it meant Palm couldn't draw on a pool of friends to help it get sales off to a quick start. That put even more pressure on Pre to be a knockout hit from day one.

3. Move faster and slower. After the Elevation deal, Palm went through a very strange management transition. Jon Rubinstein was installed as Chairman and head of product development, Ed Colligan remained as CEO (so he was Jon's employee and boss at the same time), and Jeff Hawkins was supposed to remain as product guru. Palm said at the time that Jon would be the execution person and Jeff the visionary. "The combination of those two guys is one of the most dynamic... combinations on the planet," Palm said. Yeah, right. The real process was a creeping reorganization in which Rubinstein replaced the old Palm executive team in stages. I think Palm would have been better off with a single quick transition in which the new team was put in place all at once and given time to coalesce.

But if Palm moved too slowly on organizational change, it probably moved too quickly on product shipment. The Pre shipped without a finished development environment, frustrating the developers who were most motivated to create interesting software on it. And it had an OS that hadn't been tuned properly for performance, so even its most enthusiastic users had to apologize for its lack of responsiveness. Although there was a lot of pressure on Palm at the time to ship, in retrospect the company would have been far, far better off if it had waited a few more months and shipped a product that delivered a great user and developer experience.

4. What you do, do well. The old Palm's "zen" design principles said: "Find a problem, find the simplest solution, punt the rest." It was an appliance design philosophy translated into computing. The new Palm tried to boil the ocean. Its ambition to create a smartphone platform superior to iPhone forced it to compete on a very broad range of fronts, everything from OS to SDK to app store to hardware. Inevitably, Palm wasn't able to execute equally well in all areas, and some of the Pre's features were compromised due to lack of resources. Apple can get away with a flawed version one product because it has the financial resources to go back and fix its mistakes. Which brings me to the fifth lesson...

5. You're not Apple. Trying to beat Apple head-on is a rich man's game, the computing equivalent of fighting a land war in Asia. There are effective ways to compete with Apple on a budget, but they all involve avoiding or neutralizing its strengths, and targeting segments or tactics that Apple can't or won't pursue. Instead, Palm attacked head on. I'm picturing that Warner Brothers cartoon where Black Knight Yosemite Sam charges at full speed into the wall of a castle and bounces off flat as a pancake (link).

What it means for the rest of us

You'll notice that I didn't say anything about Palm's bizarre ads featuring a Borg hive queen (here and here). That's because they were a symptom, not a cause. When your product is right, the message will be simple and you won't need creepy ads to stand out. Often you won't need ads at all.

The mistakes highlighted by Palm are common in the tech industry. Here's what I think we should do about them:

--I know there are device companies out there right now where the employees are whispering to each other, "we've committed to shipping on a certain date, but the product won't really be ready." You know who you are. Don't let your company pull a Pre; speak up. If nothing else works, print this post and send it to your boss. The Board of Directors might fire you if you delay the launch, but they definitely will fire you if the product fails.

--I frequently talk with companies that are creating bundles of technologies rather than coherent solutions to problems (anybody want to buy a Verizon Droid? link). Ask yourself, who is my customer, and am I solving a problem that they care about deeply?

--I know investors who say, "I'll never touch hardware, it's too risky." Understand that you're missing opportunities where you could invest with a higher return, because valuations aren't being bid up by competing investors. The fault, dear investor, is not in our product category, but in our execution.

That's my take. What do you think? Where did Palm go wrong (if at all), and what do you think the lessons are for other companies?

Opposite Rolls to Ponytail

*NOTE* To make the rolls below it is very similar to a braid but you use 2 strands and only pick up hair from one side. 
Start making the first roll from the a far lateral part (only roll up new hair across the front of her face).  Roll the hair enough that it will reach a ponytail.
Make the 2nd roll lateral to the first.  Start the second roll where you ended picking up hair from the first roll.  Roll the 2nd one long enough it will reach a ponytail too.
Pull all the hair except the rolls into a ponytail.
Take both the rolled hair and wrap them around the ponytail  I secured it with bobby pins.

Inspired by Lady Gaga

I started by making a poof in the front of her hair.  (We did this because she is still trying to grow out her bangs)
Make a french braid from the front near her ear all the way to the center back of her head.  Do this on both sides as shown below.  *Leave the poof and a small amount of hair below the poof out of the braid for now.*
Below shows both the french braids secured together and the hair left out. 
Now combine all the hair into a ponytail shown below.
Seperate the ponytail into 2 sections of hair.  Take the right side and make a loop leaving the ends to hang down towards her neck we will use this hair to wrap the center.
Do the same thing to the left side.  I secured the loop with bobby pins.
Now take the ends from the loops and pull them up around the center of the 2 loops.  Secure these with bobby pins as well.

Roll Crazy

I started with the front roll first and if your daughter is like mine I had to hold it with elastics to make sure the roll was tight.  *Note* I did the rolls similar to a braid but with 2 strands adding a new piece of hair as you roll.  Make 2 more rolls parallel to the first. 
Do the same thing to the other side as show below you will have a total of 6 rolls.
I left 1 small piece of hair out of a ponytail on both sides.  All the rest of the hair put into a high ponytail. 
Take the hair you left down and pull it around the ponytail.  This is done to both sides. 
Take small amounts of hair from the ponytail and twist them until they curl up.  Secure them with bobby pins.
I made a total of 4 twists in the ponytail.  (you can do more or less depending on how much hair your daughter has.)
Back view below.