Stardoll Staff Badge

To protect yourselves from scams made by people claiming to be stardoll staff a badge has been added to the real staff's pages. If someone for example pops up called Chloe.Stardoll saying 'I'm staff and I can get you 1000sd for free. Just change your email to' (Which would be the scammers email, then they'd hack you) just check for the badge.

English - Callie.Stardoll

Arabic - Raghda.Stardoll

Austrian - Merle.Stardoll

Brazilian Portuguese - Julia_Stardoll

Danish - Nynne.Stardoll

Dutch - Daphne.Stardoll

European Portuguese - Leonor.Stardoll

Finnish - Oona.Stardoll

French - Noemie.Stardoll

German - Selina Stardoll

Greek - Danae.Stardoll

Italian - GiuGiu.Stardoll

Korean - Yuna.Stardoll

Norwegian - Mette.Stardoll

Polish - Gosia_Stardoll

Russian - nastya_stardoll

Spanish - Maite.Stardoll

Swedish - Svea.Stardoll
Turkish - Eda_Stardoll

Are you glad that we can now see the real people?



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