Steve Jobs has died

One of the founders of Apple CEO Steve Jobs had died on Wednesday after serious and prolonged illness at the age of 56 years.

"The company Apple has lost a creative genius, and the world lost a remarkable man. Those of us who were fortunate to know Steve and work with him, have lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. Steve is survived by his company, which could only create it, and his spirit will forever be support for the Apple ", - said in a statement on the website Apple .
The news of the death of Steve Jobs quickly made headlines around the world, triggering a wave of sympathy. One of the first to Barack Obama. He said that the founder of Apple was one of the greatest American inventors, and gave people joy. "Michelle and I are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Steve Jobs. Steve was one of the greatest American inventors - brave enough to think differently than all courageous enough to believe that he can change the world, and quite talented, to implement it, "- said Obama. "Making personal computers and the internet having put in our pockets, it has provided access to information for each of us and managed to make the information revolution so that it was understood at an intuitive level, and brought joy to the people" - said the U.S. president. At the same time Obama said that the greatest proof of the greatness of Steve Jobs is that on his death, many have learned through their mobile devices created. "Steve used to say that he lived every day as if it was his last day. And because of this he changed our lives, business and managed to achieve a rare accomplishment in human history: it changed the way each of us sees the world" - said the American leader. "He brought joy to millions of children and adults," - he concluded.
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has expressed the opinion that Steve Jobs has lived "the California dream every day of his life, he changed the world and inspired us all." "Thank you, Steve," - wrote Schwarzenegger in his micro blog on Twitter.
Responded to the death of Google founders Larry Jobs Page and Sergey Brin. "I'm very, very saddened by the news of the death of Steve. He was a great man, have achieved tremendous achievements and demonstrated an amazing talent" - Paige wrote on Twitter. "Steve, your passionate desire for perfection feels anyone who touched any product Apple. All of us at Google, and the industry as a whole will be greatly missed by you," - said, in turn, Bryn.
The head of Microsoft Bill Gates has expressed the opinion that few are able to give to the world that gave his friend Jobs. "The news of the death of Steve Jobs was really sad for me. I and my wife Melinda express sincere condolences to his family, friends and to all those affected by the work of Steve" - ​​wrote Gates.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg called Jobs his "mentor and friend.""Thanks for having shown us that we created can change the world. I will miss you" - he said.
Apple admirers around the world today are flowers, candles and notes to the shops of the company. In the stores themselves to the demonstration samples of products open main page is, which depicts a black-and-white portrait of Steve Jobs and the dates of his life. A member of the store in San Francisco has long stood in the street in front of the store, holding a iPad, the screen is a picture of Steve Jobs and the words of gratitude addressed to him.Flags with the logo at the entrance to the headquarters of Apple lowered the death of Jobs.
For the first time about the disease became known to Jobs in 2003. In July 2004, the head of Apple removed the part of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder and bile ducts. But five years later, Jobs had to do a liver transplant. This operation has many side effects. For engraftment of donor body used immuno suppressive drugs, and immunosuppression increases the probability of occurrence of new metastases. According to the University of California at San Francisco after liver transplantation, 80% of patients with neuroendocrine tumors of living another five years.
In February this year one of the doctors suggested that Jobs live no longer than six weeks.
In August, Steve Jobs, after a long vacation resigned as head of Apple . CEO of the company was Tim Cook, Jobs with replacement January 17, 2011, when he went on indefinite leave. At the same time Steve Jobs was elected chairman of the board of directors of Apple .
When Jobs announced his resignation, he did not explain whether it is associated with adverse health effects. "It is always said that if the day comes when I can not cope with their responsibilities head Apple , I'll be the first to tell you about it. Unfortunately, this day has come, "- he wrote in his letter to the board.
The day before the death of Steve Jobs held a presentation of the 4S iPhone .Many fans of "apple" products until the last hope that this evening is traditionally come to the stage himself the "father" iPhone. However, introduced new smartphone Tim Cook.
Steve Jobs founded Apple with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976.In 1985 he left the company because of disagreements with the leadership in 1997, returned, and since 2000 head of Apple . In recent years, the company occupies a leading position in the market of IT-technologies. The capitalization of Apple is estimated to be $ 338 billion.


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