Top 10 hairstyles for 2012

Top hairstyles for 2012, it is worth to pay attention this season, we should note curls and waves. Romance is the hit of the season. Important note: curls and curls should be very tight and separated. Otherwise, your style will remind youth of the time your mother. Or do you look like a shop in the 70s. The hair ... is that part of the body that most pain can undergo numerous transformations: haircuts, coloring, perming, extensions, etc. The advantage is that even after a relatively unsuccessful experiments mane grows again. Modern trends of the new season offer hairstyles for every taste and for every hair type.

To begin with long hair. It is believed that long hair is allowed to be worn in two ways disbanded (the day when they are washed) and tied in a ponytail or a knot (the other days). Recently shallow excluded from the repertoire because moldiness. But it is time to end this deception. There are extremely versatile range of hairstyles for long hair, but now in 2012 they are more fashionable than ever. top hairstyles 2012
Back sleek hair is very sexy
Sleek back. To achieve this type of iron dry hair back with styling gel and napraskayto with plenty of polish.
Voluminous hair is always sexy
Many volume. Voluminous hair is always sexy. Apply the foam volume at the roots and dry with a large round brush.
Time away
The road side. You can easily create a stylish hairstyle without much effort. Varzzhete your hair taut and spread cc gel. Then aside and make way
Tapered bangs
Tapered bangs. This season, wear bangs just above the eyebrows and cut in strong lines cross.
Straight hair is always sexy and chic
Super Rights. Always sexy and chic. Dry with a straight brush and finish with straighteners.
Make lush curls
Curls.Nanesete sculpted foam or special cream hair to form waves on wet hair, including on the roots.
Fleece is very up to date this season
Lush mane. Apply a styling product in roots and hair length. Dry chaotic with her head down.
Lifted hair with volume
Lifted up hair. But let's have volume! Tupirayte slightly in the roots and give a playful look.
Arranged in typical French style
Twisted hair. Arranged in typical French style. To achieve this result, let freedom above and adhere to the hair from both sides with a little pomade.
Lift hair barrette
Comb your hair back, lift and a barrette clip.
Best hairstyles for 2012


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